0 - Absolutely nothing worthwhile, don't even watch it for free. 1 - Not worth paying for due to either next to 0 martial arts and action or action and martial arts that remind me of a Van Damme movie. 2 - Maybe worth a rental because either the extremely limited action that exists is decent or there's lots of mediocre crap. 3 - Good rental or possible buy if you're serious. Lots of fairly interesting martial arts and action or a little very good martial arts and action. 4 - What fighting there is is extremely good or the action is very well done. 5 - Should be owned. If there's one fight scene, it's extremely good. If there are many fight scenes, they're also extremely good.
SHORT REVIEWS!! You will see that there is now a short review available for each movie reviewed here for you people who don't want to read through all the text. Just click on the far right of the movie you're interested in and the short review will come up.
- This means that there are pictures in the review (I know, I stole the picture and changed the colors, so what?)