Paper Marriage - Sammo Hung, Maggie Cheung, Dick Wei, Billy Chow

All very good humor until the second half when Sammo does Muay Thai boxing with Chow for more than 3 minutes, which is very well done. The final scene is filled with good stunts, fights, and more stunts. Dick Wei and Chow fight together inside a pirate ship at a mall too. Sammo fights Dick Wei 3 times or so and it's well done and filmed. A Sammo fan gets the best of both worlds here.

Pedicab Driver - Sammo Hung, Lau Ka Leung, Dick Wei (in the beginning only), Billy Chow

One of Sammo's best movies. His fight with Leung lasts over 5 minutes in the middle and the two of them fight in a casino. Extreme skill on both of their parts. They go from fistwork to staffwork, which is equally great. Dick Wei makes an appearance in the beginning and fights off 4 men in his small house but dies. He still looks great though. Sammo blows up at the end as the movie turns dark and he fights John Sham, a bunch of guys, and has a mindblowing kickboxing finale with Chow, which lasts for about 1:30.

Police Story - Jackie Chan, Jackie's stunt team

One of Jackie's best. He plays a cop and does more stuntwork than I've ever seen anyone do, plus some great fighting in the middle. The last scene in a shopping mall is an HK fan's dream. He does tons of stunts, from dropping way down into display cases to sliding through christmas lights, and then fights Fong Hak On along with about 10 other people, and then more stunts! Plus an interesting story. Great movie. Jackie's team is exceptional. This should be re-released.

Police Story 2 - Jackie Chan, Ben Lam, Benny Lai, John Cheung, Jackie's team

Good sequel to the first. Again great stuntwork. More emphasis on fights this time as he takes on Ben Lam, John Cheung, and Benny Lai all at different times in an explosives factory at the end, along with some great stunts from each person. Plus 2 other fights, one in a park against 7 or so men and one in a restaurant against 7 or so men, again. Lots of stunts, as I said.

Prodigal Son - Lam Ching Ying, Frankie Chan, Yuen Biao, Sammo Hung

The best wing chun movie ever made. Forget Wing Chun with Michelle Khan, this one has the actual style all over the place. Tons of fights. Frankie Chan uses some kind of eagle style or something, and Biao is Lam's student in Wing Chun. Sammo Hung is Lam's brother and plays a funny role, but has his little moments too. Stunning performances from everyone, especially Lam and Frankie Chan who have a blisteringly fast fight outside a restaraunt. Biao's final fight against Frankie is good and long. Definitely a classic.

Project A - Jackie Chan, Yuen Biao, Sammo Hung, Dick Wei, Wang In Sik, Jackie's stunt team

One of the coolest movies I've ever seen. Pirates in China around 1920. Even the new dubbed version is good. Gigantic stunts by Chan, with the classic clock tower fall. Biao, Sammo, and Jackie all take on Dick Wei at the end with great style. Every scene is well done, and Jackie has one part where he gets in a bicycle chase. Entertaining for every age.

Project A 2 - Jackie Chan, Lam Wai, tons of others

With some emphasis on martial arts like the first, this one also has so many stunts it's funny. The fights, in my opinion, are actually better here than the first one too. The last batch of stunts and fighting is wonderfully done and is really long. Jackie falls off everything, takes on 3 old timers at different times with the old timer braids in the hair, and finishes it off him running down the back of a 200 foot tall wall, and when he lands ANOTHER ONE comes down and crashes on top of him, but he positioned it so he'd hit it in a weak spot. Incredible.

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