Millennium Dragon
Format: VCD
Stars: Yuen Biao, Li Ngai Chi, Chin Siu Ho, Phillip Ko, ____ (the guy who fought alongside Tiger against Jackie in Project A 2) some others

Biao and Ngai Chi are sent out as undercover agents to capture the deadly Chin Siu Ho, for some reason. I don't know though because I couldn't read the subtitles most of the time due to the extremely bright white colors they used in the film.

Well I was warned not to get this, but I got it anyways because it was $4 at a VCD shop. It's not that good really, and Biao doesn't get a starring role as you might think. The action is sparse, and not very good anyways. Of course, I wouldn't believe just any review saying this, so I had to see for myself.

It starts off with Biao fighting ____, and then Li Ngai Chi taking some Russian guy. Oh yea this movie is filmed in Russia, which to me means more foreigners than I'd like, plus a sorely low budget. But even with such a low budget, I'd expect some decent fight choreography, and there really isn't any. Ngai Chi can't fight, and Biao's fight with ____ is aweful looking, with him doing dumb looking punches repeatedly, and ____ ducking really low for one which just wasn't realistic.

And Ngai Chi fights some more foreigners, which is the most impressive in the movie, but still isn't impressive in the least. And it's really small too. These fights are like 4 seconds long, and this scene has about that much fight content. Not worth mentioning really. Check out the clip below.

This bothers me. Some woman is playing the piano, and starts humming. That's got to be one of the most annoying things I've ever seen. It's like they knew that she couldn't sing worth a damn, and just told her to hum, which I assume they thought would sound beautiful. Well it doesn't. It sucks. Idiots.

And then Ngai Chi fights Phillip Ko, which is rediculous. Here's the choreography. Ko - Left punch, right punch, repeat 5 times. Ngai Chi - Right block, left block, repeat 5 times. Ko - hit Ngai Chi. That's it. Stupid.

Biao and some other guy go to a factory and have a little action after some shootouts, which I won't bother putting up pictures for. The unknown fights a Russian, and then ____, and this fight is fast (undercranked) and so poorly filmed that you can't see what's happening, ever. Aweful.

Ngai Chi, while in the desert, fights a woman while tied to her by the waist, and she has a sword. He throws her a few times, gets kicked, and then she blows up. Then he and Chin Siu Ho have a swordfight. OH NO, Mr. Nice Guy slomo. This doesn't start out pretty. It stops, Biao comes in, and then the unknown comes in, they punch and kick at Siu Ho for three seconds, and then Siu Ho falls into the ground and blows up.

That's not an action movie in my eyes. It's aweful. Too bad Yuen Biao had to be in this rubbish, and it's aweful how Siu Ho's talents were clearly wasted as well. Aweful. I don't recommend. But I don't know whether to give this a 0/5 or a 1/5, because there is action, but none of it is good. Well, if I can give Fist Power a 1/5, and that had at least one good part, and this had nothing, then I might be inclided to give it a 0/5. The video clip I have up there is about the best you'll find in this, and it's bad enough. Ngai Chi is slow and visibly choreographed, and so...

0/5 - AVOID

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