Undaunted Wu Dang
Format: Dubbed VHS
Stars: Zhao Changjun, Ma Zhenbang, many others

Ma's character's brother and father are killed by Japanese people who have come into the town to show the power of Judo. She gets together with Zhao and they use Wu Dang style (known also as Wu Tang by westerners).

This film has some very original choreography involved. First off, westerners don't actually see the wu dang style much. It's very much like a dance with push-type moves and hand slaps. Both of the main characters do awesome work, especially Ma who I hear was a wu shu starlett. Secondly, the fights aren't like in Knockabout or other older movies where they just go on and on. It's much more like Shaolin Temple where the two go at it for about 6 or so hits and then someone does something powerful and they break. While this is interesting and is how a REAL fight works, it didn't really hold my attention well about half way through the movie. That's how I feel about Shaolin Temple now too.

A video clip of the first scene

In the beginning, there are some Japanese Judo students fighting against Ma's father, who is exceptional and I wish he hadn't died so soon. His moves are fast, as are all moves in this film, and when he's fighting the Japanese guys he just looks good. The fight continues a little later and Zhao comes in and though he's funny looking in this, he's pretty amazing to watch. The fights here are especially interesting mainly because there is some judo from the opponents, though not nearly as much as there should be. A long fight.

There are a bunch of skirmishes in the film, many of them between the two main characters and goons. There's one where the action goes uncut for some time outside a temple. It's good martial arts with economical moves, though they completely lack any sort of emotion and are somewhat forgettable despite the great demonstrations by everyone. Reminds me of Mr. Nice Guy in a way. Basically the 2 characters just get attacked in different places with practically the same thing happening each time, no real variety. "Yea but that's how it is in the real world, Eric." Ok fine, I don't like the real world.

Ugh, this movie drags so much. For having such a simple plot they could have made the fights a little more interesting during this time. Ma goes to the wu dang temple, the same one they used in Holy Robe of Shaolin I'm sure, and does some training. A little Taoism for you all too, like how the wu dang emulate water, which is soft but is able to break through a rock. Very interesting. They then go on to show the Judo students learning their art through strict physical regimen. Hmm, a little biased?

The finale is interesting and very long. First, Ma fights all 4 of the Judo students in the wu dang style, 3 of them at one time during the end of it. She's so fast that none of them could hope to keep up. After that there are a ton of people fighting including a wu dang master, and Zhao, Ma, the Japanese students, and a host of others. Everyone uses weapons at this point. Zhao gets beat up by the master, and Ma takes him out with two hits! Actually a good way to wrap it up because this scene must be around 8 minutes long.

I learned a few things from this movie. 1. A blow that continues is like water, which can wear down a rock but cannot be stopped by one. 2. Ma is amazing. 3. Wu dang style is not known here in the U.S. Ask someone about it and they'll fire back the rap group. 4. Wu Dang style is based off Taoism, while Shaolin is off Buddhism. Wu Dang is much different than Shaolin and the two schools, though not both in this movie, should be shown together more often. It's a good movie with awesome sets a la Holy Robe of Shaolin and everyone performs excellently including the judo students. Maybe more Taoist philosophy and some training and less of those worthless fights, plus less weaponwork (which was a plenty in the end) would get this a 5, maybe, though it did need more emotion because there was NONE. Still good. Plus, the dubbing is great as it's done by Chinese people, though it covers up some sound effects at times. And I must mention that most of the cuts are very long, which can't possibly be bad for an all-martial-arts movie.


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