Magnificent Butcher - Sammo Hung, Lee Hoi San, Fong Hak On, Kwan Tak Hing, Yuen Biao, Wei Pai, Lam Ching Ying, Fan Siu Ming, Chung Fa
Awesome awesome awesome, tons of action, each fight is long and fast and complicated, Sammo is supreme. Classical tale about revenge and rivaling styles. Yuen Biao gets a fight against Lam Ching Ying and both are excellent. Lee Hoi San's final showdown against Sammo is incredible. MANY styles shown and pointed out. Highly recommended. Kwan Tak Hing even gets a fight.
Mahjong Dragon - Chiu Man Cheuk, Kenneth Lo
Worthless movie about ugly people and gambling. Cheuk looks good, and so does Ken Lo, but there is hardly any action whatsoever. Cheuk does some good looking slapping moves in the beginning for a moment, and at the very end he fights Ken Lo in a fruit shop on top of boxes. Ken Lo, to me, had a more powerful performance because his character was more interesting than the love-happy Cheuk, but they both fought well, despite the rediculous camerawork. But it's visible nonetheless. Lo also has a double at one point but it's probably a height issue. Don't get this for the action.
Martial Arts of Shaolin - Jet Li, Yu Hai, others
The way a Shaolin Temple movie should be. Very fast (faster than any ST movie I've ever seen), and Jet is fantastic. The camerawork is surpurb, and there is a LOT of action, with the finale lasting around 10 minutes. If you want a Shaolin Temple movie, get this one.
Martial Arts Master Wong Fei Hung - AKA Great Hero from China - Chin Kar Lok, Lam Ching Ying
A very fun movie where Chin Kar Lok does a bunch of acrobatics (as well as his occasional double) during the fights, which range from silly to cool to intense. The choreography is fun, as well as Kar Lok who plays Fei Hung. Lam Ching Ying really doesn't fight well until the end when it gets interesting, which is the best fight in the movie. Good quality production along the lines of Heroes Among Heroes.
Master (The) - Jet Li, Yuen Wah, an American
Many critisize this as a campy joke by Tsui Hark. Forget them. Jet puts on a pure performance, and Wah gets a couple fights. All of the fights center around one young American guy who can fight fairly well (though not too fast) and his martial arts students, which makes it less interesting. Last fight isn't too bad though as Jet does some cool kicks and maneuvers as they fight in an operations room on top of a skyscraper. But the Master is Wah, who plays Fei Hung (I think...), so Jet is more of a student in this movie. Good addition to a Jet Li collection, though it is corny.
Matrix (The) - Keanu Reeves, Lawrence Fishbourne, Carrie-Ann Moss, Hugo Weaving
An extreme rating? Hardly. No action in this impressed me, everyone was slow and the 6 months of training was for nothing. Since they can't take hits, they pull their punches and kicks way too fast. And they're slow, way too slow. Kicks are ugly, overuse of wires. Gun scenes are ok, but too computer enhanced. Everything else is too, and you don't know what's real and what isn't (I don't care if that's the idea). Wo Ping (choreographer) should have had wushu players do this stuff instead. Script poor, acting poor, story poor (robots take over the world, and the philosophy is older than film itself).
Millennium Dragon - Yuen Biao, Li Ngai Chi, Chin Siu Ho, Phillip Ko, ____ (the guy who fought alongside Tiger against Jackie in Project A 2) some others
Aweful attempt at an action movie. Nothing at all worth mentioning. Biao might not even fight in this because his 4 seconds of fighting have his face covered. Ngai Chi couldn't fight if he tried. Chin Siu Ho does nothing amazing. His Mr. Nice Guy slomo'd swordfight against Ngai Chi at the end is terrible, and he gets about 6 seconds of hand to hand fighting, where he just gets hit. Then he blows up.
Millionaire's Express - Yuen Biao, Sammo Hung, Dick Wei, tons of others
With a cast the size of Hollywood, I expected this to be much better than it was. Lots of action, but it's not all good. Dick Wei and Biao have a good fight, and Sammo looks good against Biao at one point, but other than that there isn't too much memorable. Just lots of slightly above average action, including Cynthia Rothrock with stuffed pants, I think. Good for quantity.
Miracle Fighters - Yuen Yat Chor, Yuen Shun I, Leung Kar Yan, other Yuens, Eddie Ko
Funny movie about Taoist sorcery with Shun I playing his typical tough guy and Yat Chor is the hero. Not much action, but what is there is really good and humorous, with Yat Chor fighting a stickman momentarily at the end and then Shun I making mirror images of himself. Don't get it expecting another Taoism Drunkard (Drunken Wu Tang) though, it's not that silly. But the humor is good, I'll give it that.
Mr. Canton and Lady Rose - Jackie Chan, Kenneth Lo Wai Kwong, Billy Chow Bei Li
Lots of Jackie-isms like propwork and funny stuff, but there is some GREAT stuntwork in each of the 3 fights here (there's one tiny fight in the beginning also), which are very entertaining. Standard Jackie kickboxing patches along the way which don't really satisfy me anymore, though his last scene during the 3rd fight against Billy Chow is impressive. Kenneth Lo isn't used enough, as usual. More kickboxing would be nice, and not choreographed the same all the time.
Mr. Nice Guy - Jackie Chan
Definitely a low point in Jackie's career. Sammo directed this one and it ain't good. Jackie does some good stuntwork at the end, but there are basically no good fights at all. The one good fight was removed I guess. Only get it if you're a Jackie nut or you wanna see some stuntwork involving a big truck. Richard Norton does nothing except punch Jackie when he's tied up.
Mr. Vampire - Lam Ching Ying, Chin Siu Ho, Moon Lee, Ricky Hui, Koon Ying
One of the classic HK films that successfully mixes comedy (lots of it), suspense, Taoism, and stuntwork to make a highly entertaining movie. Based on action, 4/5, but the movie itself is a 5/5, but the action content is satisfying. No fights really, but anything that is acrobatic or stunt related (plenty of it, many lengthy scenes have this stuff) is done exceptionally. Fighting buffs might want to see Spooky Encounters instead.
My Father is a Hero (The Enforcer) - Jet Li, Tze Miu, Yu Rong Guang, Ken Lo, Ngai Sing
Such a great cast and yet this movie isn't so great. Mostly a wirework film set in modern day, with good sets nonetheless. Guang is sinister and weird, which I liked, but Sing and Lo don't do anything until the end whey they have an undercranked kick fest with Jet and have their legs held up by wires. Tze Miu (the 12 year old kid) is good, indeed. I can't wait to see what he turns into. But here he's on wires and looks like an idiot. The finale is bad, except for when Guang starts it off with some good kicks. There's also some good choreography toward the middle where Jet does very fast punches with Guang, for 22 seconds. Popular movie, good characters, but the action is only decent.
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