Dance of the Drunken Mantis - Yuen Shun I, Yuen Siu Tien, Corey Yuen Kwai, Hwang Jang Lee, Yuen Chun Wei
A classic, fights until the end movie which is the real sequel to the original Drunken Master. It's far superior too. Yuen Shun I is awesome, acrobatics, stunts, fighting, training, comedy, emotion, everything, he's a master at it. HJL does some kicking, but mostly this is where to see how well he uses his hands and he's great, using a mantis style. Long fights, taking up almost the entire movie. Top Yuen Woo Ping material.
Deadend of Besiegers - Yu Rong Guang, Cynthia Khan, Yu Hai
A beautifully filmed all martial arts movie that deserves lots of credit. Guang plays the Japanese who apparently created Karate. Whether it's true or not, this film is stunning. The sets are breathtaking, and to have a fight that looks out onto a GIANT landscape with some villages here and there, or a HUGE Buddha in the background, it's an old-timer's dream, plus the action is great. Guang does a good job of doing Japanese styles like some Judo or Aikido, like when he's in the small arena and fights Khan, who uses Dog Fist (which I understand is real) and her friend uses the Tiger Fist. He takes them both. The last batch is impressive too, with Yu Hai performing in a temple with a bunch of monks using staffs against the Japanese pirates who have swords. Khan fights in the town and adopts some Japanese moves, which is neat. Guang has a stunt filled ending against the leader of the Japanese pirates. Very exciting.
Death Duel of Kung Fu - John Liu, Wang Tao, Han Ying, Chung Fa
A forceful appearance by Liu, Wang, and Han Ying, all of them are exceptional in this, the fights are all very long and complex, though slightly two beat in nature. However, for me this only adds to it, it allows them to make more complex choregraphy possible, I'm glad Secret Rivals 1 wasn't Wang's only movie with Liu. The two are great in this. Tons of fights.
Death Games (The) - Fan Siu Wong, Billy Chow, Ngai Sing
Fan Siu Wong is a martial arts master in this, where he gets the show all to himself. He fights a very talented kickboxing woman 4 times (the last one isn't so great since it's fencing) and uses both wu shu and kickboxing on her, with real technique apparent. He and Chow go at it really well, and Ngai Sing is a slimy Japanese weirdo who kicks like a madman, as I expected from him. The final fight is all Fan's. A real treat, if you can find it that is...
Dirty Tiger, Crazy Frog - Lau Ka Wing, Sammo Hung
A very funny movie with Sammo being the dummy and Wing constantly outsmarting him, and some very well done fight scenes. It's old (1978 appx.), and the fighting is on the verge of 2 beat, but it's still good. Wing is acrobatic, as is Sammo, and they have numerous fights, although they're sometimes short. They fight Wang In Sik, who uses the crab style. One notable fight is with Wing against another guy in a furniture-crowded house which is cinematically perfect really. Really caught my attention. A great movie if you like Sammo or Wing, or just martial arts.
Don't Give a Damn - Sammo Hung, Yuen Biao, Takeshi Kaneshiro, Ngai Sing, Robert Samuels
The most modern of these 2 being on screen together in action. Some good fighting here and there, great camerawork for everything, very fast paced action when it happens. Finale with Biao is decent against 2 kickboxers, but Sammo's fight is superb and he has a three way with Ngai Sing and Samuels. Story is boring, colors are depressing. More action would be nice.
Dragon Fight - Jet Li, Dick Wei
One of Jet's better non-special effects movies. Actually there are no effects in this. Realist fights with Jet using economical moves against worthy opponents in San Francisco, and Dick Wei squaring off against him at the end, which is long and good looking. There is more after that too. A great movie for Jet fans.
Dragons Forever - Yuen Biao, Sammo Hung, Jackie Chan, Benny Urquidez, Yuen Wah, Billy Chow
The best movie with the 3 brothers since Project A. They all perform well, and even fight eachother at one point. Good ending, with Sammo taking on a crowd, then Wah for a few seconds (Wah's character dies abruptly without much of a fight), Biao against a crowd and then Billy Chow, and Jackie against a crowd and then Urquidez. His re-match with The Jet is impressive and doesn't disappoint. It's long too. Great movie. Get the VCD or DVD.
Drunken Master 2 - Jackie Chan, Lau Ka Leung, Kenneth Lo, Ti Lung
Jackie's last all MA performance doesn't disappoint in the least. His fights are all long, and his drunken boxing is practically trademarked by him. Leung is good too, but only fights twice, once against Jackie in the beginning, which is actually 3 fights in one (very VERY impressive Shaw Brothers style), and then in the Tea House, which is an insane crowded match with the 2 of them taking out hundreds of men. At the end, Jackie goes all out and fights a white guy with a chain, a crowd, the guy who played Liu Kang in Mortal Kombat THE GAME (not Robin Shou), and then Ken Lo, twice. Ken Lo is awesome. When Jackie gets drunk, he gets pretty crazy. Very entertaining.
Drunken Master 3 - Lau Ka Leung, Adam Cheng, Andy Lau, Willie Chi, Gordon Liu
Silly movie that Leung made after he stormed off the set of DM2. Not much action, maybe a minute total devoted to Drunken Boxing (Willie Chi can't do it), and the last fight isn't so great. There are some well choreographed scenes (some too choreographed), but overall nothing great. Liu and Andy Lau, though, have a fight in some confession booths for a minute, which is really cool looking. But that's about it. On top of that, the music that plays during the fights reminds me of bad MIDI rock n' roll music, seriously.
Drunken Tai Chi - Donnie Yen, Yuen Shun I, Yuen Yat Chor, Yuen Cheung Yan
If you watch the first part of this movie and get tired of it, you're missing out. The second half is the part to watch, and possibly one of the best things ever seen coming out of HK. Donnie's Tai Chi is very convincing, and he has lengthy training scenes, 2 excellent fights at the end, and he does all his own stunts. Yuen Wo Ping goes balls out on the slomo shots for anything that he thinks looks good, and it works. Really one of those classic martial arts movies that shouldn't be missed by anyone interested in the genre.
Drunken Wu Tang - Yuen Shun I, Yuen Yat Chor
An insane movie where Shun I plays Old Devil and he's looking for the secret document. Entertaining to the max. Martial arts content is good when it's not silly. But most of it is wire insanity with dummies flying all over the place. A dummy of Yuen Yat Chor flies at some lady at one point and it's so funny. Get it in a bargain bin.
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