Wheels on Meals - Jackie Chan, Sammo Hung, Yuen Biao, Keith Vitali, Benny Urquidez

Not really any action until the very end in the mansion, which is why I can't give this a 5. Biao takes on Vitali in an impressive match, while Jackie and Urquidez steal the show with their famous final bout. The kickboxing between the two is fast and furious, not a beat missing. The movie is worth this final batch, especially the one between Jackie and Benny. But remember, there isn't much outside of this. Jackie and Biao train in the beginning and have a small fight against the 2 westerners, but that's about it. Many tout this as one of the best martial arts movies. I say it has one of the best fights. It's definitely a bore in the middle.

Where's Officer Tuba? - Sammo Hung, Hwang Jang Lee, Yuen Wah, Chang Yi, Jackie Cheung, John Chiang

A good fight that lasts for a minute and a half between Sammo and Hwang Jang Lee at the end is about all you'll get out of this if you're looking for action, plus some excellent humor, but other than that there isn't much. Save your money if you want a satisfying action flick.

Who Am I? - Jackie Chan, Ron Smoorenburg, Yeung Kwan

Nothing worth anyone's time in this except, you guessed it, THE BEGINNING. Yes, the part in the beginning with Jackie fixing the guy up and climbing a tree. Word is that there was a huge scene cut, too, where Jackie lived with the villagers for a lot longer. The last fight is aweful except for when Brad Allen and Sam Wong double for the two untalented goons. Smoorenburg is good in real life, but he's terrible with choreography. Kwan is slightly better but still not very good. And the car chase is decent, but very fake. Don't believe anyone who says this is action packed, they're stupid lame brains.

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