Hero of Swallow (The) - Yuen Biao, Eddie Ko

Could have been really good, but the numerous fights aren't filmed very well, some of them are in total darkness, and Biao and Ko both have doubles at the end. But the story is very interesting, with Biao playing a Robin Hood character and you can't help but like him. But the fights are also short and badly edited, with sound effects that scream chaos. Biao fans or people who like Iron Monkey only.

Heroes Among Heroes - Wong Chuen, Hung Yan Yan, Donnie Yen

Excellent wu shu among all 3 of them, and they all fight eachother at some point. Donnie mixes wu shu and kickboxing and does a little Drunken Fairies at the end. Hung Yan Yan and Chuen are amazing together. Yan Yan is one of the best kickers I've ever seen. The reason I don't give this a 5 is that there's lots of wirefu between the good fights that really wasn't needed, though it is a bit fun. Could have been a little better.

Heroic Fight - Lum Siu Lau, Dick Wei, Yuen Cheung Yan

A very fun and unknown movie with lots of gadgetry and effects. One of the only times you'll see Yuen Cheung Yan fight in a modern setting (and he fights well). Dick Wei, as he always does without failure, puts out some awesome kicks as well as punches, while Lum Siu Lau is great as well. Not a ton of fighting, actually the small amount of kickboxing they had left me begging for more because it was so good. More is better in this situation, and the gag filled ending, with a small amount of kickboxing, was disappointing and could have made this much more fulfilling.

High Risk - Jet Li, Jackie Cheung

A Die Hard lookalike which is better in my opinion. Lots of shootouts, constant suspense, Cheung is hilarious. Jet has no MA except for his undercranked nightmare against a general. Cheung has a fight against Chow at the end and plays it silly, but doesn't do too badly. An ok Jet Li movie, but suspenseful.

Highlander Endgame - Donnie Yen, June Watson

Donnie is in this American movie and steals the show with a scene in the beginning where he takes on 4 guys using fast hand movements and some wing chun, and mean kicks. Go to the weapons fight he has with June Watson, and just watch Donnie. He moves his legs around like it's a game or something, as though it's no contest. His movements are fliud-like, and he makes everyone else in the movie look stupid. It's filmed well, from the side and long cuts. The hand to hand fight that follows is badly filmed, though, and the cameraman didn't know where to shoot. He got Watson's back a lot of the time. So you had no clue what was happening. Donnie is the star here.

Hitman - Jet Li, Eric Tsang

Jet is a hitman and forms a relationship with the guy who gets him a big job, Eric Tsang. Jet has a few fight scenes with a tall American who is actually pretty good, and the shootouts are impressive. Very likable movie with a good atmosphere.

Hitman in the Hand of Buddha - Hwang Jang Lee, Eddie Ko

Lee takes revenge for his family's death. He still kicks like a mad man, but the choreography is slower than many would like. Eddie Ko does a tiger style. Lee and Ko face off at the end and it's slow, but it's move based so you can't really have a fast move based fight. The chopsticks vs. snake in the restaraunt is a good example. It'll put a crowd to sleep but it's not bad for witnessing some good MA.

Hocus Pocus - Lam Ching Ying, Tung Wei, Peter Chan Lung

I expected oodles more out of this. There's nothing to satisfy those who thought this would be another Prodigal Son. Terribly disappointing. There's one real fight with Tung Wei, and it lasts 5 seconds, and some opera scenezs that lasts a minute each (around 3 of those). The rest is about people messing around. Ending is aweful, a ghost flies every which way in a room as the opera troop tries to capture it, then it blows up.

Holy Robe of Shaolin - Yu Rong Guang, others

An overrated movie in my eyes. A great fight after 15 minutes of horse round-up-ing (boring) with Guang against an abbott where Guang uses different styles. Lots of shaolin weapon fights, mostly with swords and spears, and the last fight was somewhat of a letdown. I wouldn't get this for Guang's sake unless you wanna see him for a good long one on one fight in the beginning.

Hot War - Ekin Cheng, Aaron Kwok

A new age kind of movie with too many cuts and way WAY too much blue. One of those MTV movies if you know what I mean. Not much at all in the way of fighting, and whatever there is is boring and has no value. Kwok kicks a guy on the ground and that's supposed to be something he learned earlier on in VR training. The VR training is the only worthwhile part because it has the only long choreography and a little bit of realism, even though it's like a 2 minute long scene. I wouldn't bother with this one.

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