Supercop 2
Format: Dubbed VHS
Stars: Michelle Khan (Yeoh), Yu Rong Guang, Fan Siu Wong, Dick Wei, Jackie Chan (cameo)
David (Guang) was once a member of the HK Police, but since his leave has become active in a deal with some Americans that turns out to be somewhat illegal. Michelle Yeoh confronts David about it and she, along with Fan Siu Wong, uncover the illegal deal.
Simple story, and maybe that's why I liked it so much. The characters were believable, action was good and didn't really hold up at all, I guess everything was good. Guang and Yeoh play believable characters, while others like Dick Wei and Sam Wong (first fight from Supercop 1 against Jackie) don't really let the viewers in on what they're doing or anything like that, which is a shame because the two of them have talent that many other actors who received starring roles in this movie don't have. There were some American actors, who sucked, including the guy who fought with the chain from Drunken Master 2.
I don't care about it though. There's plenty of action prevelant here. Not just martial arts, but car chases and shootouts among other things too, for variety I suppose. I don't know what a cop movie with only martial arts content would be like. One of the car chases has 2 Mercedes, Yeoh following David (I think,.. I wonder if the Americans cut this film apart like the first Supercop, the plot seemed to jump around wildly). The whole scene is intense, with the two of them weaving in and out of traffic and the usual, except I didn't notice any effects. But that brings me to another point. In the beginning, there is some of the most obvious wire work (not wire-fu though, good thing too) done on both Yeoh and Guang. With clouds in the sky and a black wire, what were they expecting? Did they not care? Guang jumps 30 feet down onto a moving bus. You think I'm gonna believe that?
Fan Siu Wong has a few moments. One is a fight with a military nut (looks like Eddie Ko) where he does a perfect reverse crescent kick, .. shot from above where I couldn't really see it. He fights Dick Wei at the end too. Dick Wei is showing his age here. He's gained some weight and doesn't move as fast as he used to (as would be expected from someone who's been in martial arts films for over 20 years). But it's still not a bad looking bout, just not very memorable. But Wong does a great looking front flip off a counter, so that made it all ok. Yeoh gets to deal with Sam Wong in the beginning, and in the horribly dubbed American version, some of the sound effects ARE GONE. Sam hits Yeoh in stomach and .. bluh, you can't hear it. He kicks her twice and there's a sound in between the kicks. Aweful. Still not a great fight, but it's better than the one with Yeoh against the clumbsy-as-hell 7 foot tall American at the end who doesn't know how to throw a punch. It's all very humorous, but I don't think they intended for it to be.
Guang doesn't get to do much of anything besides acting. He has a small fake fight with Dick Wei that looks fake, because it was supposed to. He has a small moment in the beginning where he shows some acrobatics, does a really good looking branny over a railing towards the end, and has a longer scene while holding onto a moving truck at the very end. Makes me mad actually. Wasted talent. Jackie gets a cameo role as an undercover cop with Eric Tsang as well. They laugh about their fake boobs. Pretty funny seeing the two of them talking about that.
Not bad, but not great in the way of martial arts. I think that it's a good cop movie though and it conveyed a really tough additude, so I give it an 8/10.
UPDATE 10/9 - Rating System Change
4.5/5 - Very good cop movie, even when dubbed.
UPDATE 11/15/00 - I want this to have a higher rating because it's a really good movie.
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