Gen Y Cops
June 23, 2001
Format: Pirated VCD No English Subs
Stars: A bunch of laughing pop stars, Ron Smoorenburg in one scene
I don't know the plot and I don't care.
This ranks pretty high on the list of the most terrible movies. I'll start off with the worst parts. The pirated VCD (the only way anyone should own this trash) has sound effects from a Nintendo game *sarcasm* and I'll rate this movie as to what it would be like with the real ones. Also the picture is very unclear and fuzzy. Having said that, let's get on to the things that make this so bad.
Acting, story, dialogue, it's all terrible, worthless. Foreign actors are worthless. The pop stars are worthless. Action is especially worthless. If they were trying, then they did terribly bad. If they were making a joke, it's a bad joke. Just aweful. Anything with movement is bad. The first scene sets it all up, Stephen Fung and that annoying alien guy cause trouble and end up pitted against 3 boxers, the one in the middle of the first pic is Ron Smoorenburg, the "superkicker" as he egotistically calls himself on his home page. One of the pop stars (in red) does an ok kick, and everything else is trash. Forget it.

Another action scene, if you can even call it that, has this robot attacking people in an office, more wasting time here. Nobody even falls well. They just sit down. What ever happened to stunt men? Did they start singing too?

There's a fight in a car between 2 pop stars, weak. Pathetic, worse than Keanu. The guy in white dives into the water afterwords, what a nice dive (see pic).

Fung and the annoying dude go fight some thugs, who knows why, bad editing, bad moves, bad fighting. 2 more pop stars fight, wires, bad moves, complain complain. No power, I'll bash these at the end even more.

The finale is a gunfight with Arabs and boxes. Two Americans go at it for, oh, 3 seconds and it's the best 3 seconds in the movie, they just kick at eachother, Fung intervenes and it gets dumb again. There are some nice computer FX (see pic)... nevermind I don't wanna watch this movie and grab screen shots anymore, I've wasted 30 minutes of my time explaining why this is so bad, when you could have just taken my word for it. Here, go to the next paragraph.

I admit it, I just didn't want to review anymore, I'd rather spew off on how much I hate pop idol movies. This is so terrible, so horrible, it's actually worse than the once-king of bad HK movies Eat My Dust. Why is it worse? The humor is sickening, so bland and new-ageish and plain stupid that my ears, trained with Sammo slapstick and Yuen Wo Ping silliness, couldn't take any more (I had a translator for this movie since I couldn't understand half of it, the other half is bad English). When ANYONE in this movie, especially that curly-haired 'Alien' f***, try to make a funny face or stand funny or do a cute laugh, I throw up. My keyboard is a mess now, I think about what would happen if I tried that hard and I get goosebumps, I'm sure you've all experienced the same feeling. I don't give a DAMN if this wasn't supposed to be a serious actioner, it's the sequel to something that WAS trying to be serious (and did an ok job in my opinion), it tries with the choreographed fights which reak of pop-idol unconditioned styling, I wonder if they choreographed them themselves. "Ok, you do a capoera kick, and I'll laugh at you, then I'll punch you and laugh at him. Then we'll cut and use a wire on the next kick. Haha, hehe, hoho, '*sings Cantonese song with friend*." The English by the actors is worse than Arnold's, every line has 3 cliches or more. No talent, anywhere, except the black dude who gets wasted in 3 seconds, he seemed to be getting somewhere, but I'm used to this Nazism against talented fighters. It happens with Ken Lo 4 times a year, regularly with Yuen Biu and Ti Lung, it damn near happened to Kim Won Jun, and it won't surprise me if Lau Ka Leung goes up against Aaron Kock Head some day, outperforms, and Aaron flies 7 feet in the air with 4 whirlwind kicks and beats him to the ground with Stanley Tong in the background holding Aaron's CD clapping, "You can go back home to bed now, Lau. Thank you." Maybe it's the new government that's getting to them all now, and besides Shanghai is becomming the next HK thanks to The "People's" Republic of China (Those PEOPLE are Mr. Xian, Qu, Yang, and one more who's currently biting down on the "anti-government" groups, namely the Falun Gong, how dare they believe in anything).
I think you see my frustration, it's really going far now. I actually got into the Chinese government this time. I've got a lot of gripes, and it's getting harder and harder to find material to restore my faith in Hong Kong. HK has no way, though. HK Film is a big place of money, not talent. I'm not impressed with it, even though they occasionally have a BIG actor (I guess John Liu was in a 1998 movie). What an honor that is, usually that's the person that blows up the movie, which is shrunken down when they go back to the cutsiness of the popular pricks who ruined it in the first place. And just imagine, this movie sold well too.
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